This file contains an explanation of the SF/AGN classifications for the three LoTSS Deep Fields, in data release DR1. For each field, there are two files: (fieldname)_classifications_dr1.fits (fieldname)_classifications_extended_dr1.fits The first file contains a subset of columns from the second set of three, to make them smaller and easier to navigate. These classifications are based upon outputs of 5 SED fitting algorithms, as described in Best et al (2023), and correspond to the supplementary data provided in Table 3 of that paper. The extended version of the classification tables also provide the output of numerous other classification schemes, or intermediate products, that the user can make use of, as well as the final proposed classification. Unless otherwise stated, -99 is a flag for no measurement. For those just wanting final classifications, AGN_final and RadioAGN_final are the key columns: AGN_final = flag for a radiative AGN (ie. optical/IR/X-ray SED evidence) RadioAGN_final = flag for whether this is a radio-excess AGN Thus: AGN_final=0 & RadioAGN_final=0 -> star-forming galaxy (SFG) AGN_final=1 & RadioAGN_final=0 -> 'radio-quiet' AGN (RQAGN) AGN_final=0 & RadioAGN_final=1 -> 'jet-mode' radio AGN (LERG) AGN_final=1 & RadioAGN_final=1 -> quasar-like radio AGN (HERG) AGN_final=-1 or RadioAGN_final=-1 -> no secure classification (Unc) These classifications are noted in the column 'Overall_class'. ======================== Column Descriptors Source_name The LOFAR source name Radio_ID The ID number in the SED fitting input file S_150MHz Radio flux density at 150 MHz, in Jy. z_best Source redshift (spectroscopic or photometric) AGN_final Proposed final flag for whether this is a radiative (optical/IR/X-ray) AGN 1 = Radiative AGN 0 = Not radiative AGN -1 = No robust classification possible Mass_cons Consensus stellar mass from different SED fits (log, in solar masses) SFR_cons Consensus star formation rate from different SED fits (log, in solar masses/yr) Radio_excess Excess radio emission, in dex, over the SFR-radio prediction (using ridgeline) Extended_radio Flag for whether the radio source shows clear >80kpc-size extended emission (1=yes) RadioAGN_final Proposed final flag for whether this is a radio-selected AGN 1 = Radio AGN 0 = Not radio AGN -1 = No robust classification possible Overall_class Final source classification (SFG / RQAGN / LERG / HERG / Unc) as described above Spitzer_SN 1 = above S/N=2 in all 4 Spitzer bands 2 = above S/N=3 in all bands; 0 otherwise Donley 1 = in Donley 2012 IRAC AGN region (and Spitzer_SN >=1, or limits sufficient) 0 = outside Donley AGN region (and Spitzer_SN >=1, or limits sufficient) -1 = too low S/N in IRAC bands to tell. Lacy 1 = in Lacy 2007 IRAC AGN region (and Spitzer_SN >=1, or limits sufficient) 0 = outside Lacy AGN region (and Spitzer_SN >=1, or limits sufficient) -1 = too low S/N in IRAC bands to tell. Stern 1 = in Stern 2005 IRAC AGN region (and Spitzer_SN >=1, or limits sufficient) 0 = outside Stern AGN region (and Spitzer_SN >=1, or limits sufficient) -1 = too low S/N in IRAC bands to tell. Messias 1 = in Messias 2012 IRAC/24mu AGN region (and Spitzer_SN >=1, and S/N_24mu>2 or limits sufficient) 0 = outside Messias AGN region (and Spitzer_SN >=1 and S/N_24mu>2, or limits sufficient) -1 = too low S/N in IRAC/24mu bands to tell. KI 1 = at z<=1 and in K-IRAC AGN region of Messias/Bonato (S/N>2, or limits sufficient) 0 = at z<=1 and not in K-IRAC AGN region of Messias/Bonato (S/N>2, or limits sufficient) -1 = at z<=1 but data not sufficient to classify on KI diagram -99 = not at z<=1 Ch2_Ch4 1 = at 12, or limits sufficient) 0 = at 12, or limits sufficient) -1 = at 12.5 and in 24mu/Ch4 AGN region of Messias/Bonato (S/N>2, or limits sufficient) 0 = at z>2.5 and not in 24mu/Ch4 AGN region of Messias/Bonato (S/N>2, or limits sufficient) -1 = at z>2.5 but data not sufficient to classify on Ch2/Ch4 diagram -99 = not at z>2.5 X-ray Flag for classified as X-ray AGN in Duncan et al table (1=AGN; 0=SFG) Opt_spec Flag for classified as optical spectroscopic AGN in Duncan et al table (1=AGN; 0=SFG) Good_MP Acceptable fit using MAGPHYS (1=yes) Mass_MP Stellar mass from MAGPHYS (log, in solar masses) Mass_err_MP Uncertainty on MAGPHYS stellar mass (dex) SFR_MP Star formation rate from MAGPHYS (log, in solar masses/yr) Mass_err_MP Uncertainty on MAGPHYS SFR (dex) Good_BP Acceptable fit using BAGPIPES (1=yes) Mass_BP Stellar mass from BAGPIPES (log, in solar masses) Mass_err_BP Uncertainty on BAGPIPES stellar mass (dex) SFR_BP Star formation rate from BAGPIPES (log, in solar masses/yr) Mass_err_BP Uncertainty on BAGPIPES SFR (dex) Good_CG_S Acceptable fit using CIGALE Skirtor (1=yes) Mass_CG_S Stellar mass from CIGALE Skirtor (log, in solar masses) Mass_err_CG_S Uncertainty on CIGALE Skirtor stellar mass (dex) SFR_CG_S Star formation rate from CIGALE Skirtor (log, in solar masses/yr) Mass_err_CG_S Uncertainty on CIGALE Skirtor SFR (dex) AGNfrac_CG_S AGN fraction from CIGALE, using Skirtor AGN model AGNfrac_CG_S_16 1-sigma lower limit on CIGALE Skirtor AGN fraction Good_CG_F Acceptable fit using CIGALE Fritz (1=yes) Mass_CG_F Stellar mass from CIGALE Fritz (log, in solar masses) Mass_err_CG_F Uncertainty on CIGALE Fritz stellar mass (dex) SFR_CG_F Star formation rate from CIGALE Fritz (log, in solar masses/yr) Mass_err_CG_F Uncertainty on CIGALE Fritz SFR (dex) AGNfrac_CG_F AGN fraction from CIGALE, using Fritz AGN model AGNfrac_CG_F_16 1-sigma lower limit on CIGALE Fritz AGN fraction Good_AF Acceptable fit using AGNfitter (1=yes) Mass_AF Stellar mass from AGNfitter (log, in solar masses) Mass_err_AF Uncertainty on AGNfitter stellar mass (dex) SFR_AF Star formation rate from AGNfitter (log, in solar masses/yr) Mass_err_AF Uncertainty on AGNfitter SFR (dex) AGNfrac_AF AGN fraction from AGNfitter, calculated as L_tor / (L_tor + L_ga + L_SF) AGNfrac_AF_16 1-sigma lower limit on AGNfitter AGN fraction Chi_sq_mpbp Lower chi-squared value from Magphys and Bagpipes SED fits Chi_sq_afcg Lowest chi-squared value from AGNfitter and CIGALE SED fits