Deep field catalogues & images — Boötes

Readme file

The following README file provides a description of the various files released for Bootes in this data release.

File nameDescription
bootes_README.txtREADME file

Radio data and raw catalogues

The following files provide the radio data, plus the raw source and Gaussian catalogues produced by PyBDSF (prior to any source association) Further datasets and catalogues may be available on request (e.g. catalogues per observation date, polarisation data). For further details see Tasse et al 2021 ( ).

File nameDescription
bootes_radio_image.fitsPrimary beam corrected radio image (crop)
bootes_radio_rms_image.fitsRadio RMS image
bootes_pybdsf_source.fitsInitial PyBDSF source list
bootes_pybdsf_gaussian.fitsInitial PyBDSF Gaussian component list
bootes_columns_pybdsf_source.mdColumn description file for pybdsf_source.fits

Optical images and catalogues

The following files provide the multi-wavelength data in three key bands, plus the full combined optical/IR catalogue presented by Kondapally et al. (2021) ( ). Details on the creation of the multi-band mosaics, the photometry catalogues, and the recommended quality/flag cuts are outlined in Section 3 of Kondapally et al. (2021) and in the README . All magnitudes provided are in the AB system. For further information regarding the multi-wavelength data see Kondapally et al or contact Rohit Kondapally ( For further details about the multi-wavelength catalogues and images used in the Bootes field, please see Brown et al. (2007, 2008). The Spitzer imaging datasets are described in detail by Ashby et al. (2009; ) and were obtained from .

File nameDescription
bootes_image_iband.fitsNDWFS I-band mosaic
bootes_image_4.5band.fitsSDWFS 4.5 micron mosaic
bootes_optIR_catalogue_full.fitsThe full combined optical/IR catalogue
bootes_columns_optIR_catalogue_full.mdColumn description file for optIR_catalogue_full.fits

Photometric redshifts and science-ready multi-wavelength data

The following files provide the photometric redshifts as provided in Duncan et al. (2020: ). Details of the photometric redshift and stellar mass (limited to z < 1.5) estimation are outlined in the paper, as well as guidance on the parameter space within which these values can be trusted. Additional information regarding the definition of the photometric redshift columns can also be found in Section 4 of Duncan et al. (2019a: ). Columns providing Herschel far-IR information for the full optical catalogs are provided by the Herschel Extragalactic Legacy Project (HELP; ) - to we which refer the reader for additional information regarding methodology and column definition. The revised 24-500um flux information for the LOFAR source population (as provided in the final cross-matched catalogues below) is presented in McCheyne et al. (in prep.). Additionally, full panchromatic spectral energy distribution fitting for the LOFAR detected population that accounts for AGN contributions and far-IR emission is presented below.

File nameDescription
bootes_optIR_catalogue_science_ready_photoz.fitsThe science ready catalogues with photo-z, spec-z's and stellar masses (where available)
bootes_columns_optIR_catalogue_science_ready_photoz.mdColumns description file for the optIR_catalogue_science_ready_photoz.fits

Source-associated and cross-matched data

The following files provide the radio catalogues resulting from source association and cross-matching, as detailed in Section 4 of Kondapally et al. (2021) ( ). This process was carried out over the regions of the field with best-quality overlapping multi-wavelength data (see README for details of quality/flag cuts used). See Kondapally et al for further information. Since the initial release we have created an interim catalogue merging in redshifts from the DESI EDR . In this catalogue good DESI redshifts (ZCATPRIMARY true and no warnings) are used where available. Because mass estimates were done on the basis of template fitting at the vailable redshift, these are adjusted according to the square of the luminosity distance ratio where the difference between the old and new redshifts is small (|delta z|/(1+z) < 0.05), and blanked where it is large. For Bootes this increases the spec-z fraction from 21 to 28 per cent.

File nameDescription
bootes_pybdsf_source_lr.fitsInitial PyBDSF source list with Likelihood Ratio only and workflow information
bootes_final_cross_match_catalogue-v1.0.fitsFinal cross-matched radio catalogue with key optical host galaxy properties
bootes_final_cross_match_catalogue-v1.0-desi.fitsFinal cross-matched radio catalogue with key optical host galaxy properties and merged DESI EDR redshifts.
bootes_final_component_catalogue-v1.0.fitsFinal component radio catalogue, after source association and deblending
bootes_columns_final_cross_match_catalogue.mdColumn description file for final_cross_match_catalogue-v1.0.fits
bootes_columns_final_component_catalogue.mdColumn description file for final_component_catalogue-v1.0.fits

Mask and MOC files

The following files provide nan-masked radio RMS images generated based on the coverage of the overlapping multi-wavelength data in the field and bright-star masking (based on both Spitzer and optical detections). The overlapping multi-wavelength coverage and the details of the bright-star mask generation are provided in Section 3 and Appendix B of Kondapally et al. (2021) ( ). The multi-order coverage (MOC) maps corresponding to the masks are also provided.

File nameDescription
bootes_rms_starmask_optical.fitsNaN masked radio RMS map with information about multi-wavelength overlap coverage and bright star masks (star masking based on --optical-- detections)
bootes_rms_starmask_spitzer.fitsNaN masked radio RMS map with information about multi-wavelength overlap coverage and bright star masks (star masking based on --Spitzer-- detections)
bootes_starmask_optical_MOC.fitsMOC file indicating star mask regions based on optical detections (conservative mask; use in rms_starmask_optical.fits)
bootes_starmask_spitzer_MOC.fitsMOC file indicating star mask regions based on Spitzer detections (restrictive mask; use in rms_starmask_spitzer.fits)

Source classification files

The following files provide the radio source classifications arising from the SED fitting campaign for DR1 of the LoTSS Deep Fields. The files are described by Best et al. (2023) ( ).

File nameDescription
bootes_sed_photometry_dr1.fitsthe input photometry used for the SED fitting
bootes_classifications_dr1.fitsthe key combined results of the SED fitting, with source classifications
bootes_classifications_extended_dr1.fitsan extended version of the classifications containing various sub-classifications from each fitting code.
bootes_classifications_README.txta description of the columns in the classifications files