DR2 optical value-added catalogue


This is the first public release (version 1.1) of the optical ID + value-added catalogue for LoTSS DR2. For details of the catalogue preparation see Hardcastle et al 2023 (A&A 678 151)

Column descriptions for value-added catalogue

Bracketed numbers refer to notes at the end of the file.

Column Units Description
Source_Name Object identifier (ILT name)
RA deg Radio right ascension (mean position )
DEC deg Radio declination (mean position)
E_RA arcsec Error on radio right ascension
E_DEC arcsec Error on radio declination
Total_flux mJy 144-MHz total flux density
E_Total_flux mJy Error on total flux density
Peak_flux mJy/beam 144-MHz peak flux density
E_Peak_flux mJy/beam Error on peak flux density
S_Code PyBDSF source code or Z for composite source
Mosaic_ID LoTSS mosaic of source image
Maj arcsec Major axis of fitted Gaussian
Min arcsec Minor axis of fitted Gaussian
PA deg Position angle of fitted Gaussian
E_Maj arcsec Error on major axis
E_Min arcsec Error on minor axis
E_PA deg Error on position angle
DC_Maj arcsec Deconvolved major axis of fitted Gaussian
DC_Min arcsec Deconvolved minor axis of fitted Gaussian
DC_PA deg Deconvolved position angle of fitted Gaussian
Isl_rms mJy/beam rms noise in island
FLAG_WORKFLOW Flag for workflow status (internal)
ID_flag Flag for workflow status (internal) (5)
Prefilter Prefilter status (internal)
Postfilter Postfilter status (internal)
lr_fin Final likelihood ratio value (internal)
optRA deg Optical right ascension (see Position_from)
optDec deg Optical declination (see Position_from)
Composite_Size arcsec Max size of convex hull surrounding components for composite sources
Composite_Width arcsec Transverse size of convex hull surrounding components for composite sources
Composite_PA deg Position angle on the sky of longest axis of convex hull
Assoc Number of components used to form composite source
ID_Qual Quality of association from RGZ(L)
Assoc_Qual Quality of association from RGZ(L)
Blend_prob Blend probability from RGZ(L) or manual flagging)
Other_prob Other problem probability from RGZ(L)
Created Origin of radio component assignment
Position_from Origin of optRA, optDec
Renamed_from Original name e.g. in RGZ if a composite source
ID_RA deg Right ascension of positional match in Legacy/WISE crossmatch catalogue
ID_DEC deg Declination of positional match in Legacy/WISE crossmatch catalogue
UID_L Legacy ID if any
ID_NAME Legacy ID if present else WISE ID else blank if no ID exists
Separation Offset between optRA, optDec and ID_RA, ID_DEC (non-zero only for visual inspection)
Legacy_ID Unique source ID combining release, brick ID and objid
HPX Healpix of Legacy brick (internal)
release Legacy release number
brickid Legacy brick ID
objid Legacy object ID
maskbits bitwise mask indicating that an object touches a pixel in the coadd/*/*/*maskbits* maps, as catalogued on the DR8 bitmasks page
fracflux_g Profile-weighted fraction of the flux from other sources divided by the total flux in g (typically [0,1])
fracflux_r Profile-weighted fraction of the flux from other sources divided by the total flux in r (typically [0,1])
fracflux_z Profile-weighted fraction of the flux from other sources divided by the total flux in z (typically [0,1])
type Morphological model (1)
ra deg Right ascension of match in Legacy catalogue
dec deg Declination of match in Legacy catalogue
pstar Star likelihood based on GMM modelling (type='PSF' sources only)
star Likely star based on pstar or proper motion (deprecated), blank if no match
ANYMASK_OPT Bitwise mask set if the central pixel from any image satisfies each condition in any of g, r or z as catalogued on the DR8 bitmasks page
gmmcomp Gaussian Mixture Model component to which source belongs (and hence the gpz++ class used for prediction)
zphot Photo-z estimate
zphot_err Predicted 1-sigma uncertainty on photometric redshift (after magnitude calibration)
var.density gpz++ predicted variance from density of training set gpz++ predicted variance from noise in training set gpz++ predicted variance from noise in fluxes used in prediction
flag_qual Predicted photo-z quality flag, 0 if bad, 1 if good (2)
zspec_sdss SDSS spectroscopic redshift if available
zwarning_sdss 0 if SDSS redshift is good, 1 if bad
plate_sdss SDSS plate number
mjd_sdss SDSS MJD
fiberid_sdss SDSS fibre ID
z_hetdex HETDEX spectroscopic redshift if available
z_hetdex_conf HETDEX spectroscopic redshift confidence
hetdex_sourceid HETDEX source ID
z_desi DESI spectroscopic redshift if available
z_desi_err DESI spectroscopic redshift error
desi_sourceid DESI source ID
XMMSL2_ID ID in XMM source catalogue
Resolved Boolean flag to indicate whether source is resolved
LAS arcsec Estimate of angular size, only valid for sources with Resolved == True
LAS_from Source for the LAS column
z_best Spec-z if available and good, else photo-z if available and good, else blank (3)
z_source String describing origin of z_best
Size kpc LAS times angular size distance (4)
L_144 W/Hz Radio luminosity in W/Hz for alpha=0.7 (4)
LM_size arcsec Size from LoMorph code
LM_flux mJy Flux density from LoMorph code
Bad_LM_flux Flag to say that LoMorph flux is bad
Bad_LM_image Flag to say that LoMorph mask is bad
Field Which of the two fields the data come from
Legacy_Coverage Flag to say whether source is in the DESI Legacy sky area
mag_g mag Magnitude in g-band
magerr_g mag Magnitude error in g-band, or blank for upper limit
mag_r mag Magnitude in r-band
magerr_r mag Magnitude error in r-band, or blank for upper limit
mag_z mag Magnitude in z-band
magerr_z mag Magnitude error in z-band, or blank for upper limit
mag_w1 mag Magnitude in WISE band 1
magerr_w1 mag Magnitude error in WISE band 1, or blank for upper limit
mag_w2 mag Magnitude in WISE band 2
magerr_w2 mag Magnitude error in WISE band 2, or blank for upper limit
mag_w3 mag Magnitude in WISE band 3
magerr_w3 mag Magnitude error in WISE band 3, or blank for upper limit
mag_w4 mag Magnitude in WISE band 4
magerr_w4 mag Magnitude error in WISE band 4, or blank for upper limit
WISE_Src Origin of the WISE measurements
Mass_median dex(solMass) Mass estimate
Mass_l68 dex(solMass) 68% lower confidence bound on mass
Mass_u68 dex(solMass) 68% upper confidence bound on mass
g_rest mag Rest-frame g-band magnitude from SED fit
r_rest mag Rest-frame r-band magnitude from SED fit
z_rest mag Rest-frame z-band magnitude from SED fit
U_rest mag Rest-frame U-band magnitude from SED fit
V_rest mag Rest-frame V-band magnitude from SED fit
J_rest mag Rest-frame J-band magnitude from SED fit
K_rest mag Rest-frame K-band magnitude from SED fit
w1_rest mag Rest-frame WISE band-1 magnitude from SED fit
w2_rest mag Rest-frame WISE band-1 magnitude from SED fit
flag_mass True if a mass is measured and reliable
r_50 arcsec Half-light radius of Legacy optical exponential/DeVaucouleurs/composite model
r_50_err arcsec 1-sigma uncertainty on r_50


  1. type - "PSF"=stellar, "REX"="round exponential galaxy", "DEV"=deVauc, "EXP"=exponential, "COMP"=composite, "DUP"=Gaia source fit by different model
  2. flag_qual - Sources with reliable redshifts, with reasonable uncertainty, minimal contamination from nearby sources, low star-likelihood and free from imaging artefacts based on maskbits
  3. Non-blank z_best combines SDSS/HETDEX or other spec-z with reliable photo-z.
  4. Cosmology is flat Lambda-CDM with H_0 = 70 km/s/Mpc, Omega_M=0.3.
  5. ID_flag describes where the ID is from in detail, and is as in the table below:
Flag value Meaning
-99 Outside Legacy optical coverage
0 no ID
2 Match with large optical galaxy
3 ID from RGZ(L)
5 Faint source not visually inspected
6 Sent for deblend
7 Sent to too-zoomed-in
8 Uncatalogued host after prefilter
9 Automatic or visually selected deblend
10 Blend workflow
11 Second blend workflow
12 Too zoomed in workflow
14 Deduplicate workflow