Column Unit Description
Source_id_original Original Source_id after running PyBDSF on the facet.
Isl_id_original Original Isl_id after running PyBDSF on the facet.
RA deg Right ascension of the source estimated by PyBDSF.
E_RA deg Fitting uncertainty in PyBDSF's estimate of RA.
DEC deg Declination of the source estimated by PyBDSF.
E_DEC deg Fitting uncertainty in PyBDSF's estimate of DEC.
Total_flux Jy PyBDSF Stokes I flux density of the source.
E_Total_flux Jy Uncertainty in the PyBDSF Stokes I flux density.
Peak_flux Jy/beam PyBDSF Stokes I peak intensity of the source.
E_Peak_flux Jy/beam Uncertainty in the PyBDSF Stokes I peak intensity.
Maj deg FWHM of the source's major axis including convolution with the PSF.
E_Maj deg Uncertainty on the FWHM of the source's major axis.
Min deg FWHM of the source's minor axis including convolution with the PSF.
E_Min deg Uncertainty on the FWHM of the source's minor axis.
PA deg Position angle of the major axis measured east-of-north.
E_PA deg Uncertainty in the position angle.
Isl_total_flux Jy
E_Isl_total_flux Jy
Isl_rms Jy/beam Average background rms value of the island.
S_Code A PyBDSF code that defines the source structure.S is a single-Gaussian source that is the only source in the island, C is a single-Gaussian source in an island with other sources and M is a multi-Gaussian source.
Source_Name_LOTSS Name of the corresponding LoTSS source in the 6'' deep field catalogue.
Separation deg Distance between the high-resolution position and the 6'' position.
Source_id Source_id_original with an offset of Facet_id*1000 applied.
Isl_id Isl_id_original with an offset of Facet_id*1000 applied.
Facet_id Numerical ID of the facet the source was found in.
Facet_name Name of the facet the source was found in.
dRA deg Difference in RA w.r.t. to the LoTSS position.
dDEC deg Difference in DEC w.r.t. to the LoTSS position.
Ratio_Total_flux Flux density ratio S_ILT / S_LoTSS.
Ratio_Peak_flux Peak intensity ratio I_ILT / I_LoTSS.
Ratio_Peak_Total Peak intensity to flux density ratio I_ILT / S_ILT.
SNR_Peak A measure of the signal-to-noise ratio expressed as Peak_flux / Isl_rms.
SNR_Total A measure of the signal-to-noise ratio expressed as Total_flux / Isl_rms.
Flux_Error_Relative The relative flux density uncertainty expressed as E_Total_flux / Total_flux.